Octane Q47xi Elliptical

Sale price$6,299.00

The Octane Q47xi standing elliptical offers a comprehensive fitness solution, combining real-running motion based on precise human biomechanics, versatile multi-grip handlebars, and a space-efficient design. Equipped with the Octane smart console and SmartStride technology, this elliptical provides users with customizable stride length options and access to Octane's signature workout boosters, programs, and real-time feedback, all at their fingertips.

Key Features:

  • SmartStride Technology: Adjustable stride length for personalized comfort and optimal performance.
  • Advanced Console Technology: Octane's smart console provides advanced features and functionality for an enhanced workout experience.
  • Real Running Motion: Experience the sensation of real running motion for a more natural and effective workout.
  • Upper-Body Ergonomics: Multi-grip handlebars ensure comfortable and ergonomic upper-body workout options.
  • Space-Efficient Design: Compact footprint ideal for home gyms or facilities with limited space.
  • Long-Lasting, Superior Performance: Built to last, offering durable construction and superior performance for long-term use.

Experience the ultimate in elliptical training with the Octane Q47xi, designed to deliver unmatched versatility, comfort, and results.